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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job? Think about adults you know well, and how they feel about their jobs.
     When thinking of a job the first thing that should come to mind is would following that path make you a happy individual. Doing a job that doesn't or wouldn't make you happy shouldn't even be an option. Find a job you like and love doing, one where you are excited to go to and don't want to leave. Everyone has a different view on what jobs a person may find enjoyable its just personal preference. There is no such thing as a bad job, its just a matter of figuring out what you want to achieve in life, and how you are going to get there. There are some things in life that are challenging and finding out what you want to do for the rest of your life is considerably one of them. Life is about making Goals and doing whatever possible to acheive them. Overall finding a job that keeps you happy and lets you conqure your dreams is something that a person should be respected for.

What are you going to do with the rest of your life (career wise) and how are you going to get there? (Yes, it is certainly okay if you don't have concrete plans, but at least write about a possible path you could take)

In my Future I hope become a Veterinary assistant and animal trainer. In order for me to achieve my goal I need to enroll in the Veterinary Assistant program at "Center of Arts and Technology" in kelowna. As well I would like to do online dog training courses with "Animal Behavioural College." While I will be taking these courses I will continue working at the Veterinary Hospital I have worked at for the past three years. Ever since I started working at the Vet Clinic with the veterinary assistants at Penticton Veterinary Hospital, I have learned a lot and now have a great respect for what happens at the Clinic.  I have always loved working with animals and training them. All the hard work and effort the Erin and Jessica (The Vet technician at my work) put into their job amaze me. I truly believe they have found something they both love doing and when I can do what they do so will I. I am also very happy to know that when I come back from school they would not hesitate to hire me on as a Veterinary Technician. As for the animal training, I will be working with Arlene D.A who has already has done the dog training  program with "Animal Behavioural College" and has inside to what I will be doing during the duration of the program. Overall I think my future looks bright and I will not stop till I succeed. After all Dreams are meant to be achieved.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ten Things I Hate About You VS The Taming of the Shrew

The movie "Ten things I hate about you" directed by Gil Junger and the play "Taming of the Shrew" by William Shakespeare both  have the same overall meaning, you should never use the first impression as the last impression. In the movie, Kate, who is usually referred to as a "heinous bitch" made the decision not to date guys after the first relationship ended badly. She thought all guys were like that just by judging her first boyfriend. If she never had the guts to date the new guy she would have never dated anyone again. Evidently in "Taming of the Shrew" Katherine portrays that she is a very shrewd and harsh individual who is not at all interested in Petrucio. The men who have been offered to woo  Katherine say"[...] though her father be very rich, any man is so very a fool to be married to hell,"  also implying that she is never to be wooed. In the end Katherine is tamed and the other men see her as a fine wife rather than a shrew. However is that a good thing? The"Taming of the Shrew"  has numerous themes which are power and language, the performance of class, marriage. But overall, love and money are the most  noticable themes, considering in the beginning Petrucio only wanted to tame Katherine for her dowery. Whereas in the movie, defining love seems to be the main and most important point. In the end, both the play and the movie are very similar, however the play does stray when wealth comes into the picture.

Monday, November 21, 2011

STiLL ALiCE Journal

Still Alice is a very intriguing novel. It helps me understand how people with alzheimer's cope with every day life. "As if she were riding a roller coaster with her eyes shut, she couldn’t predict which way she was being turned next” is like an endless struggle that Alice is fighting. She can't help the fact that she is forgetting the simplest things that she used to know off the top of her head.

Alzheimer's is predicted to effect 1 in 85 people by 2050, which is quite a high number. Unfortunately there is no cure at this point in time. Alice and her family will be greatly affected by this tragic disease. Sadly Alice must face that she will not be able to recognize her loved ones. Due to the disease the saying "Family comes first" is going to slowly fade away, not because Alice doesn't believe that, but because she will not be able to identify her own family.
 Personally I may not have alzheimers, but I can relate to how she feels.  Her life is  like a roller coaster spiraling out of control. 

We all have moments in life where we have to look down and see that our feet are still planted firmly on the ground. It can feel like walking down a windy path trying to reach you destination but being knocked of course. Yet knowing in the back of your mind you will never reach it. All our personal connections fade like a well-aged  piece of driftwood floating in the ocean. It will never sink but it will exist as a foreigner, far from home. Lost in a world of transition, yet knowing what awaits you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Public Displays of disaffection

1. The three main points of  "Public displays of disaffection" are cellphones are unprofessional, an addiction, and clearly cause problems with communication. It is obvious how  the use of cellphones can be thought as  unprofessional or rude, considering people sometimes talk or text in inappropriate situations. "It says, to hell with you" states, Pamela Eyring, director of the Protocol School of Washington. On the other hand over cellphone usage can be referred to as addiction. Cellphones are a common problem in society today, it is evident that people are over using them and abusing the privilege of having a cellphone, especially students who cannot put them down. They all have addictive qualities in them the fact of the matter is that people have found another means of communication which has proven to be a problem. Which brings me to my next point, problems with communication. Two way conversation no longer exist. "Half alogue" mean basically only understanding half of the conversation while the other half is completely focused on the vibration coming from the device in your hand.

2. Personally I believe cellphone usage can be unprofessional, for example when you are in an important meeting for work, talking on your cellphone in the midst of a coworkers speech inappropriate. As well having your cellphone out  all the time with no regard for others in my opinion is considered an addiction. These electronic demons also cause problems with communication. why not talk to someone face to face?

3. On the other hand cellphones can be good at times. I believe that a cellphone owner has both advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages being, you don't have to find a payphone or a land line to call someone, you can keep in touch with family and friends easier as well as work, if you are lost you can be found if the authorities track your number. That is a very minimal list of  the good. But when students use cellphones to text another student while in school, or someones cellphone goes of in the middle of a public theatre the good vanishes. I do not think it is appropriate under these circumstances that anyone should be aloud to use a cellphone in such a irritating blunt manner. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Historical Moment

If I were to choose a historical moment go back in time to see, I would choose the holocaust. I want to go end the rein of Hitler (although I doubt I could) and end the terror he struck into the hearts of those less fortunate. It pains me just thinking about all the abuse he put all those poor people through. Some words that linger in my head when i hear the word holocaust are death, blood, murder, pain, torture, and war. If those that were killed then, survived I wonder what the  world would be like today. To know that they had a chance to live a happy life far for Hitler’s torture camps would have made them a different person. The holocaust was a very historical time in history that everyone will hear about even in the future. After all the Past is what shapes the "Now." Unfortunately you can't change the past you just can look forward to what the future holds.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Macbeth Act 2, Scene 1

After Poisoning Duncan's guards Lady Macbeth awaits Macbeth's return eagerly from ending kind Duncans reign. Macbeth returns carrying two blood soaked daggers, that were used to murder King Duncan
while he was in a drunken slumber. Lady Macbeth awakes to see Macbeth stumble in the room covered in blood seemingly not his own. Unfortunately for lady Macbeth, She has to go back to the scene of the crime and place the daggers on the guards.

Macbeth Character Sketch:
  • Scottish Nobel ~ works in the ranks of the king
  • Thane of Glamis ~ Is the Thane of Glamis originally
  • Thane of Cawdor ~ Becomes this after old Thane is hung
  • Ambitious ~ When he decides he wants to be king he will do anything to become it.
  • Courageous ~ Great war hero, fighting in King Duncans army
  • Insecure ~ Sees Banquo in the mirror trying to strangle him after Banquo was murdered
  • Indecisive ~Can't make up mind to kill Duncan or not
  • Unpredictable ~  He is caught between his good and bad intentions
If I were to have directed the movie, it would not have gone exactly the planned. For one Macbeth wouldn't be as manly as he seems now, He would be very weak and wimpy until he became the Thane of Cawdor. In the beginning Macbeth would find the witches really attractive until he saw their true colors and that they wanted him dead. Secondly He would not have seen daggers but he would have seen shining spoons that later he would have used to kill King Duncan with. The floating spoons would have been  very confusing for the audience, but it would be very understandable for Macbeth. Duncan he would not be drunk when Macbeth was going to kill him, he would be perfectly awake and ready to have an epic slow motion ninja battle with Macbeth. But then would be killed by tripping over his stuffed bear rug and falling into his very own fire place. Then Macbeth would start to feel the power of his accomplishment's. That very next morning  The gaurds would wake up to the smell of fresh bacon but then realized it was Duncans roasting corpse in the fireplace. That night Malcom and Duncan would have ran way to china to open a sushi bar. This would mean that Macbeth is the next inline for the throne. But Banquo, Macbeths very best friend has his doubts about what happened. That very day Banquo was murdered At Macbeths first dinner as the new king he would see
Banquo in the mirror trying to poke him in the eyes with a hot pepper. This would make all his minions feel that their new king is mad.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Black Death

The black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, During 1348 and 1350. It today is called the "Bubonic Plague" caused by bacteria. Which was thought to have spread from china. Most likely it was carried over the Mediterranean sea by flea infested rats to Europe. The Black death is estimated  by killing 30%-60% of Europe's population. during the end of those years it took approximately 150 years for Europe's population to recover. Although it kept returning a various times in history, during the 19th century it left Europe. Because the plague had killed so many of the poor population, the wealthy land owners were forced to pay their remaining workers what they asked, in terms of wages. After 750  no major epidemic diseases appeared in Europe until the Black Death of the 14th century.