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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A child called it

In the novel I am reading there are many scenes that really stand out and catch my eye. These scenes are mainly focused on physical and emotional child abuse. In the novel "A child called it", David a ten year old boy is constantly being abused my his mother. David is starved, Beaten, forced to do unbearable tasks, called names and harshly neglected. The scene that really gets to me is when David has just come home from school and his mother is under the influence of Alcohol, She grabs him by the arm, forces him into the kitchen turns the stove on high and holds his arm over the flame. As David is crying she lets him go after a few seconds he falls to the floor blowing on his wound. His mother then wants David to get on top of the stove and lay across the burners. Luckily for David his father arrives home from work so Davids mother sends him downstairs to his room also the garage. David is now left to suffer from his wounds that were purposely inflicted by is mother. This scene makes me emotional as I would like to confront and make the mother go through the same thing David did. The power of  his mother physically forcing him to do this is absolutly insane. I could never see my mother or any normal good parent ever doing this to their child.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Dilema

If I were to choose between saving an elderly lady's life or saving the mona lisa I would probubly say that I would have to save the old lady because the mona lisa is just a painting and to me a persons life can't be bought and is worth more than money could ever buy. I have questions for those people who would rather save a painting for the money rather than someones life, How would you feel if you were that elderly lady sitting there waiting only to get  burned alive in the fire as you watch some person that could have helped you run away with a painting in their arms looking back at you and not caring. What would you say would you call for help as the person ran away. Aswell how would  you feel running away from an elderly person  calling for help and staring in your eyes before you make the decision to run away would you cry, would you care, would you feel and emotion, or would you be happy that you let someone die to save a peice of art? 

Five things i would save in a fire:

If my house were to be burning to the ground right now I would first make sure my family was out first then if I only had enough time to grad five things I believe that I would grab my:
1. My two dogs,
2. My Guinea pig,
3. Box of childhood things
4. My Pictures of my family
5. My drawing of my teddy bear and my teddy bear
These five things are important to me but still not as important to me as my family. My two dogs Juno and teddy are my best friends. As well I couldn't stand loosing my guinea pig because shes so soft and gentle. My box of child hood things is a given because I would want to show my children what I had when I was little, Same for my Pictures of my family if I didn't have any pictures of my family I would be sad and it would be harder to remember my many enjoyed childhood moments. Along with all of these I would have to grab my teddy bear and the drawing that I Made of him when I was in kindergarten. My teddy bear is very import and to me because it is what my grandmother gave to me when I was a child  before she passed away.
All of these items are important to me and that is why i would grab these things that are special to me.