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Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Rant about Bullying

I don't understand Bullying I don't get how people can think that its ok that they hurt other people. It is unfair how people especially teens think that hurting other people is fun. Well in fact its not, I personally know what it feels like to be bullied. It is so hard not to lash out and smoke the bullier in the face. But you can't because that will make you just as bad as the bullier. Believe it or not yes I have punched someone for teasing me and yes it worked they never bugged me again, Yet the reality is that it makes you feel better for only  a mere moment then you think "What have I done im just as bad as the Bullier". It is not the greatest feeling in the world I must say and thats  why im not going to suggest going out after reading this and smoking every person in the face that every hurt you. In fact it is painful being the bullier as well they know that it is not nice to bully other people but they do it anyway, they do it because they want to be enpowered they want to make you feel lower than they feel. The most common  things people who know you are being bullying is ... # 1 Ignore them....#2 Walk away .....#3 Tell a teacher..... Im guessing you have heard at least one of these before infact at least 5 times in every humans life they will here one of these and the reality is is these do not work. In my oppinion I beleive bullying is a disease that one gets themself infected when basically making themself feel like crap. My question for you is is that reality ? Are you going to let this happen or are you going to stand up and say "Hey what you just said is not cool, no one deserves to be hurt like that would you like me to call you something" How would that make you feel would you care? Another common fact is that at least 25 teens in British Columbia alone every year commit suicide because of being bullied. How would that make you feel if you knew that you were the one that said something that encouraged a person to end their life. Aswell would you beleive that the average teen thinks of commiting suicide at least once a week. Well I must say that I have been one of these teens, I have thought long and hard about this but im infact to afraid to do it and im glad
I never did nor never will. But their are not many teens like me out there that will stop. My question for you is What would you do if someone you know perhaps your bestfriend ended their life or how about someone who may not be your friend but you know then ended their life? I'd hate to know how you feel if you are a bullier?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top Three Vacations of all time!

In my life time so far i have traveled alot but here are some of my suggested vacation hot spots Mayan Rivera Mexico for the most spectacular beaches, mexican food, and underwater snorkeling which lets you get up close and personal with the marine life in the coral reefs. Aswell there is awsome spots to explore such as the sea notes where you get to experiance to go cave diving in fresh water.

My Second favorite place that i would suggest you experiance is good old Italy france where you can experiance the freshest most amazing italian quiesine, and acient buildings and stories you are told by people trying to sell you stuff on the streets when visiting the many marketplaces great for shopping.

Last but not least tokyo Japan is one of the most beautiful places on earth, Not only is the food in japan awsome but it is interesting and fun to make. Aswell japan is one of the most cultural places ever but aswell it is  filled with modern technology. But you cant forget shopping, Shopping in japan is so fun because of all the different and huge variety of styles and even the shopping centers are absolutely gorgous. But the very best thing about all these places is the time that you will spend away from everyday life and let loose !